Hyun Ae Kang (Corea del Sur, b.1965)
"Pray - I"
Ferruccio Gard (Italy, b.1941)
“Movimenti percettivi 70-69"
Ferruccio Gard (Italy, b.1941)
“The dynamics of color"
Ferruccio Gard (Italy, b.1941)
”The emotion on the color in op art"
Ferruccio Gard (Italy, b.1941)
“Kinetic transparencies-4” (sculpture)
Luis W. Guajardo (Mexico, b.1973)
Fractal Blue & Pink
Darryll Schiff (Estados Unidos)
Salvador Dalí
“Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel”
Laurence Jenkell
Wrapping Bon Bon Rouge
Laurence Jenkell
Wrapping Twist Jaune